Subject to compatibility. Check it directly with your Smartphone on the Google Play Store
Main Functions
- Read the Thermo and Hygro Buttons
- Check the alarms with temporisation
- Relaunch Mission
Advantages :
- In the field mobile controls
- Free application
- Very simple operation
- Direct link to all Thermotrack softwares
Description :
Thermotrack-Mobile Edition is a free application that enables to use the Thermo Buttons and Hygro Buttons temperature loggers in the field with your Smartphone or Android Tablet.
You can control the loggers temperature excursions, download the data on your device and then archive them on your PC.
You can also start a new registration with your Thermo Button or Hygro Button.
The application can be downloaded free of charge with your Smartphone. You just need to purchase a Thermo Button reader from your Plug and Track distributor.
Alarms control :
Plug a Thermo Button on the reader and click the "Alarm" icon. The icon will be displayed in - Green if the minimun and maximum limits have not been reached
- Orange if the limits have been exceeded, during an acceptable period of time (Temporisation set in the Thermo Button)
- Red if the limits and temporization have been exceeded
Download and transfer :
Data can be stored on board your Smartphone and transfered in the software of your choice.
It is not mandatory to have a 3G subscription. Data can be sent in WiFi when you go back to the office.
Data can be sent to :
- Thermotrack PC
- Thermotracck Online
- Thermotrack Webserve
- The server of your choice (transfer in XML)
Relaunch Mission
If you want to erase the data and start a new registration, use the icon "Relaunch".
Compatible with the Thermo Buttons 21G, 22L, 22T and the Hygro Buttons