Oblačna storitev WeeziCloud za WeeziDot merilnike
Web application for WeeziDot Bluetooth Dataloggers that centralises all the data from the temperature datalogger red with WeeziApp .
It allows temperature readings to be shared easily between several users and archived securely in the cloud.
Main features
- Centralised archiving of temperature records
- Determination and display of temperature excursions
- Sharing of data between several users
- Accessible from any PC, mobile phone or tablet
- Multi-user with rights management
- Complies with FDA - CFR21 part 11
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WeeziCloud features in detail
- The web application dedicated to WeeziDot dataloggers
- Data sharing on the web between multiple users.
- Data archiving in a centralized cloud
- Displaying graphs with high and low thresholds.
- Displaying temperature excursions
- Displaying value lists with min, max, average, and MKT.
- Printing graphs, value lists, and alarm lists.
- Excel export of the data
- Unlimited users
- Sending email notifications when a WeeziDot is programmed or read.
- Correction of values based on the calibration certificate.
- FDA – CFR21 part 11 compliant.
- Available in several languages: French, English, German, Spanish
Discover the features of WeeziCloud now with our demo account! Log in with the login: demo and the password: demo.